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Wednesday 28 Jul 2010
Seattle, USA

Glacier Bay

 Still experiencing technical difficulty with uploading pics... will try again tomorrow

7/27 - Glacier Bay.

4:19am - sea is smooth as glass and the sun is beginning to peak through.  Up early as we enter Glacier Bay @ 8am.

With breakfast under our belts by 7am we staked our claim to seats along the port bow for our day of viewing.  We attempted the forward decks but winds were too chilly to bear for any length of time so opted for the deck below protected by glass.  We were bundled up but happy (Bloody Marys and Long Island Iced Teas keep our temperatures up !).

We saw quite a few whales, of course camera was in its case when the best viewings were going but saw them none the less.  Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful scenery.... Breathtaking....  We sat 6 hrs as we worked our way up the bay to the glaciers.

At 2pm we moved to our own balcony as the sun had come out and was plenty warm to sit within the protection of our balcony with just shirt sleeves. 

The glaciers were spectacular !  Several calvings occurred prior to turning the ship around.  A big boom would echo out then the ice would tumble toward the sea.  Quite a site.  At 5pm I went to the Therapy Suite and continued to enjoy a view of the glaciers from the luxury of the heated lounge beds .

Semi-early to bed - big day on Wednesday..... Helicopter and dog sledding and zip line !


More to follow..

2 Comments for this Travel blog entry

LOLA Says:

29 July 2010

OK - now I am in my pouting stage - but keep those descriptions, pics and dinner menu coming! I can hardly wait for tomorrow! I LOVE GLACIERS!

LOLA Says:

29 July 2010

heated lounge beds.......

Alaska Cruise 2010

Travel blog by tonyandellie

Juneau   Atop a Glacier with one of the team

Juneau Atop a Glacier with one of the team

The adventure continues.... We've settled in to our new home in Oregon and now we're off on an Alaskan Cruise. Come along as we cruise to Glacier Bay, Juneau, Sitka, Ketchikan and a quick stop in Victoria, BC.

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Glacier Bay
28 Jul 10 | Seattle, USA

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