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Monday 8 Feb 2010
Taganga, Colombia

In search of the Lost City

Quick entry.. more later...

Have decided I´m going to do the 5 day trek to visit the Ciudad Perdida. It´s a tough 5 day walk through hills and mosquitos and trudging waist-deep through rivers in deadly heat, but everyone I´ve met here who has done it say it´s a must-do.

Even people who have done Machu Picchu say this is better as it´s more "raw" with jungle overgrowing and less visited. Plus there remains about 85% of the city yet to be discovered!

I´ve decided that due to the recent rains and chaos at Machu Picchu, I´m going to avoid doing it this year, and do Ciudad Perdida instead. This also has the advantage of opening up a whole new itinerary to me, as the MP trek would have taken up a week.

It is a site that was only discovered in 1975, and for many years wasn´t reachable due to FARC activity. The army now controls the area, plus indigenous tribes (whom you get to meet on the trek!)

As for my knee... it´s feeling a bit better nowadays since I´m wearing a support. A guy here who has a similar knee problem did the 5 day trek and said it was fine while wearing a support.

I got a massage later this day for my upper back problem... haha I sound like an old guy ... but I´m determined to not let my physical state hold me back from satiating my adventurous desires.

I´m going with a group of 10 other people from the US, Holland and Sweden, plus I´ve HOPEFULLY managed to get to sleep on a mattress for most of the nights as I think a hammock might wreck my back. I have to sleep in a hammock one of the nights though.

OK folks... Pete out for the next 5 days...

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South America Twenty Ten

Travel blog by peterforan



After previously dipping my toes in Latin America via trips to Cuba and Central America, it's time to go for the big splash! 3 1/2 months to take in as much as I can, armed with little more than my camera, laptop and a few dodgy Spanish phrases.

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  • Friendship...

    Ciudad del Este


    Friendship Bridge between Brazil and Paraguay
  • Paraguay is a...

    Ciudad del Este


    Paraguay is a bit rough around the edges!
  • Nice gun...

    Ciudad del Este


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