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Thursday 10 Jul 2003
Sunshine Coast, Australia

Lazing on da beach

Past few days have basically been like this:

Wake up, head to the beach and some killer waves, lie in the sun working on me tan, have lunch, more sunbathing and some exploring, have dinner, possibly head out for a few drinks with whoever I meet that day, go to bed.

Rinse and repeat!

Got a nice shade of brown all over my epidermis and Ive found some nice places around Rainbow Beach while watching the whales swim by about 1km out to sea on their annual migration northward (plus Ive managed to get away with staying in the carpark for free.. cheeky me ). One thing that is particularly amazing is the massive sand-dune called the "Carlo Sandblow". Its essentially a gigantic 4km-squared sand dune and has some fantastic views of the boast line. Its also a base from where several paragliders were launching and, damn, that sport looks like excellent fun... something ELSE Ive got to learn to do!!

Tommorrow Im off to scuba-dive Wolf Rock with the local sharks and will update ya on my underwater adventures...

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