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Monday 21 Apr 2008
Habana, Cuba

Last day in Cuba...

Another early morning (pretty much every morning where travel is involved is EARLY in this country!!) and another bus back to Havana.

I bid my farewells to Markus and Joel and left behind the beauty of Vinales and Pinar del Rio packed to the gills with cigars and sea-salt-smelling clothes.

My flight wasn't leaving till 8.35pm that night, so I managed to contact the first casa (that I had originally booked through hostelworld) to see if they would mind my bags till then and the owner had no probs.

I first decided to check out the Museo de la Revolucion (which everyone had been raving to me about). Indeed as they had described, the museum is a testament to detailed note-taking with every article of clothing, every pen used, every typewriter, every gun shot, every photo, everything ever involved in the created of the Cuban republic was on display here in the former Presidential Palace (itself an architectural gem of marble and antiques).

The highlight of course are the vehicles (which can also be seen for free from outside the museum gates) which include various US spy planes shot down by the Cubans, various makeshift 'tanks' that were constructed by bolting armored plates to tractors (replete with bullet holes!), and even the famous Granma yacht that was used by Fidel, Che, and another 85 soldiers when they first began their assault against Batista from Mexico in the 50s.

Highly recommended... if not a bit overwhelming!

Next I took in the Hotel Sevilla and relived the days of "Lucky" Luciano and his cronies in the exquisite lobby and great view from the top restaurant (I managed to sneak in pretending I was with a tour group!).

Then I went wandering around San Ignacio where apparently the bearded man from the latest cover of Lonely Planet could be seen walking. I didn't manage to spot him, but instead saw about 10 others who were trying to impersonate him and get their photo taken as well (for 1 CUC of course)

I even saw the old lady with the cigar that is seen on the inside cover of the book, but it just seemed false to have to pay her for a photo.

A bit of lunch, and then I got back to my casa (barely on time) to collect my bags before heading to the airport.

NOTE: When you leave Cuba you have to pay a 25 CUC exit tax, so make sure to still have some left over

By the time I boarded my flight, I had exactly 3 CUC left on me... I had somehow calculated exactly how much money I would spend on this trip.. a total of 800 euro (excluding the price of the flight over and back).

Not bad... and considering what a beautiful country it is... it was worth every penny.


Adios muchachos!

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Perdido en Cuba de Fidel

Travel blog by peterforan

Swish antique

Swish antique

2 weeks in which I crap-dance salsa-stylee in my own inimitable way; terrorise the Cuban people after one-too-many mojitos and visit bars where they actually ENCOURAGE people to smoke cigars as big as your leg. If I get time I'll take in some culture..

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  • Habana at...



    Habana at night
  • San Ignacio...



    San Ignacio plaza
  • Trumpet...



    Trumpet player on Malecon
  • Malecon


