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Friday 14 Jan 2005
Malaga, Spain

Sierra Nevada

Aye still no luck with the kite-surfing... wind hasn't been good enough for lessons, trust me to pick the one week when there is NO wind in Tarifa?!?

Well all is not lost, hopefully. I just rang OTB down in Tarifa this morn and they said that the wind IS just about enough. Wahay! I'll head down there today finally and hopefully get a lesson in before the sun goes down.

Apart from that, Mum and I took a trip up to the Sierra Nevada mountains over the past two days, where I got to check out the excellent facilities for snow-boarding, etc. Only about 24 euros per day to rent out all the equipment... very handy.
I didn't bother to take a snow-board lesson though (65 euros) since I still have my heart (and money) set on the kite-surfing.

It was beautiful up there. Extremely hot and VERY VERY bright sunshine (which necessesitated me buying some cheap sunglasses off the local Senegalese street merchant... hey 400 UV protection is all good for only 5 bucks). I even managed to get quite burnt, and since I was wearing the shades, I now have a red face with a white 'mask'in the shape of my glasses. Doh!

We stayed in a great hotel-chalet which worked out at only 60 euros for two per night. It was called 'La Guerra hotel'. Highly 'recommendado'.

Yeah, all in all an enjoyable week despite not getting all the time kite-surfing as I wished... hopefully I'll get the lesson later today...

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Kitesurfing Espana

Travel blog by peterforan

Me kite surfing

Me kite surfing

Bags are packed, tickets booked, surf-glasses on: I'm ready to rock n surf! :)

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  • Afternoon tea

    Sierra Nevada


    Afternoon tea
  • Snowboarding...

    Sierra Nevada


    Snowboarding Spanish stylee
  • Mum & I

    Sierra Nevada


    Mum & I
  • Gettin burnt...

    Sierra Nevada


    Gettin burnt in da snow

Travel blogs from Malaga

Sierra Nevada
14 Jan 05 | Malaga, Spain

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