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Wednesday 15 Jun 2011
Trapani Sicily, Italy

A summary of the trip to Trapani

After the dismal weather I experienced in India in March, I was in desperate need of a sunny break as my Vitamin D levels were at an all time low Undecided

As Gwen and I both love Italy, we decided to explore Sicily this time around. A quick scan of the weather forecast was enough to convince me to book pronto: "26C, sunny skies, fresh breezes, and clear blue crystal water".

I'd be crazy to NOT go!

Aer Lingus flights to the main gateway of Catania were pretty expensive .. around €500 for both of us. The eastern side of Sicily is the most commonly visited side due to famous sights like Mt Etna, etc.

Ryanair also flew to Sicily but to the western side, to a small city called Trapani. The price? €200 for both of us. Additionally it seemed that the west coast was less "touristy" (well for non Italian tourists anyway) so would make for a more interesting vacation.

So Trapani it was.


It turned out to be an excellent choice. I've never been to a place where everything looks just like it does in a holiday brochure, but that's exactly what we found:

- Amazing food

- Fantastic islands offshore with some of the best snorkling I've ever experienced in my entire life (and I've snorkled/dived around the world)

- Perfect weather all week (26C, fresh breezes, Vitamin D overdose!)

- A fascinating history (the area was settled first by Phoenecians from Tunisia, then by Greeks, then Romans, Normans, etc, etc)


The people were friendly and welcoming (particularly as we had practically no Italian .. I kept on breaking out into Spanish!), but also were animated during conversation (or arguments among themselves) using gesticulations that can only be found in Sicily.

I marvelled at a 30 minute argument over a parking space between two men while I was looking out of my hotel window, drinking Prosecco on ice and smoking a cigar. I lost count of the amount of hand gestures used in the conversation but it certainly beat watching the telly!

A truly excellent trip and I highly recommend Trapani for a refreshing break away.

2 Comments for this Travel blog entry

mum Says:

19 July 2011

Beautiful pics of crystal clear blue sea Peter. Interesting ruins and streets AND yummy pizza. Not sure about the Prosecco and cigar tho ha ha! sounds like a nice place to visit.. You mean the sea was clearer than the red sea?

peterforan Replies:

20 July 2011

It was clearer than any sea I've swum in over the past 10 years at least

LuAnn Says:

19 February 2015

Any chance you remember the name of the pizzzza place???
Also--- how was Agrigenta? Did you spend the night?
Any restaurants you really liked?

peterforan Replies:

19 February 2015

Hi Luann, the pizza place was down along the coast of Trapani, I don't recall the name, but you can be guaranteed of good pizza in most restaurants there! Agrigento is a must-see if you like ancient ruins, just did a day trip from Trapani which is close.

Western Sicily

Travel blog by peterforan

Sicilian Pizza .. drool

Sicilian Pizza .. drool

Gwen and I took a week out to explore western Sicily, based around Trapani. We didn't know what to expect, but what I found was a little bit of paradise right on our doorstep. Excellent coral reefs, ancient Greek temples, and the world's best pizza!

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