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Monday 24 Mar 2003
Nha Trang, Vietnam

Surfing the waves after trekking

Arrived in Nha Trang around 12pm today and ran into the best waves Ive seen in a good while.. FINALLY!!!

Managed to get the hotel to charge only 6 dollars for the two of us (3 dollars each), reduced from the initial 9 dollars they wanted... pat myself on the back for some good haggling there

The waves are great, but the sea is slightly manky and rubbish bags seem to be everywhere in the sea or in the sand ... Im not too impressed.

The place seems to be a Phuket-wannabe and there are many tourists here who flew in from Thailand (and fly back without seeing the rest of the country) just to laze on the beaches.. this means that con-artists probably abound in this place and the atmosphere is no longer as laid back as Dalat... ah well Ill check out the town now and see if theres anything cool

And before I forget HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUM!... see I remembered

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