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Thursday 10 Jan 2013
Home, United Kingdom

Planning HQ

I could spend forever trying to decide where to go and what to do!

I have booked my transport in New Zealand and Australia - Stray Bus and Greyhound respectively - and I am getting excited about exploring new places along the way.

I'm now looking ahead to fit the pieces together for my second trip before I head off on the first one.  I've got a flight itinerary and found a couple of trips in Central and South America.  Now to try and book some National Parks accomodation in California, Arizona, Utah and Nevada, and some fabulous rail journeys from Calgary to LA!

In between long stints on the internet, I have been catching up with friends and family to see people before I head off.  I keep forgetting that most people are back at work! I haven't quite accepted that I am unemployed - it feels like an extended Christmas break at the moment.  I wonder when I will realise it fully...?


1 Comment for this Travel blog entry

Graeme Says:

13 January 2013

Zoe ... Thought I'd be the first to post a comment ... Hope you have (and there's no doubt you will) an incredible time ... I won't be the only one to be following your progress and exploits so please update and upload as regularly as you're able ... With

zobeedoo Replies:

22 January 2013

Thanks Graeme,
It'll be a bit quiet the next two weeks, but there will be a monster blog to follow, I am sure. Heading for Burma tomorrow...

Zobeedoo's Big World Adventure, Part I

Travel blog by zobeedoo

Marahau Bridges, Abel Tasman

Marahau Bridges, Abel Tasman

The first part of my trip will take in South East Asia, New Zealand and Australia. I'm looking forward to seeing new places, revisiting some old places as well as meeting friends and family along the way.

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Orchard Road, Singapore

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