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Monday 12 May 2003
Chiang Mai, Thailand

Arrived into Chiang Mai

Took a fan bus from Chiang Rai to Chiang Mai for only 70 baht (about 1.75 dollars) this morning... most falang get the AC bus for twice the price, but after my travels a trip in a local Thai bus is complete luxury in relation!

As Thailands second-largest city, Chiang Mai is not quite what I expected and is quite a relaxed place, more akin to Chiang Rai! People seem friendly enough, despite a large falang population; there are treks and white-water rafting opportunities aplenty, although I will probably explore with a moto again tommorrow (dont worry about me slipping off the bike again, that was not me, but rather an UNUSUAL craggy surface that I havent seen anywhere else)

Room is decent enough - single with fan for 80 baht (2 dollars)... will update later if anything interesting happens tonight...

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