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Monday 19 May 2003
Bangkok, Thailand

Back in Crazy Land

Yep Im back in the cosmopolitan chaos that is Bangkok!

Ive decided to skip Ayuthaya, etc since the weather is getting hotter and I still have to get to Myanmar!... also my flight is dues to leave Bangkok in one month so Id better get off to Myanmar soon (so that I dont have to spend more moola changing my ticket AGAIN!)

Stomach still aint the best (I wonder if Arrete really works??) so I might check with a doctor tommorrow ...

I have a room for 4 dollars tonight... much better value than the first few nights I stayed in Bangkok (I was paying 8 dollars for much the same, which I THOUGHT was a good price... Ive learned my lesson since!)

Checklist todo in Bangkok before I head off to Myanmar:

- Get Myanmar guidebook (will try to get a copy version since its cheaper)

- Investigate digital camera prices (Ive decided to get one of these and apparently Bangkok is the best place to get it)

- Get my OTHER bag back and move stuff from my overloaded bag into that bag again!!

- Get my photos developed onto cd and mail home the negatives again (might throw in a few other thingies too....)

Think that covers it....

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