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Saturday 6 Mar 2010
Iquitos, Peru

The ACTUAL Amazon river trip!


This took place either on the 6th or 7th... I'll need to update the blog later with correct dates...

Rented out a lancha for about 2 hours for 20 dollars. My aim was to take a trip out to the Amazon river proper (Iquitos only runs by an inlet).

It was such an unbelievable feeling to be out on the ACTUAL Amazon river. We even saw the definitive line of dark vs light brown rivers where the Amazon meets the tributaries that feed into it. I was under the impression that you had to go to Manaus, Brazil to see this phenomenon, but it's visible here too.

Much better than Manaus as the river is much narrower here (yet equally as strong.. the current was so fast), and you can see both sides of the river at once .. unlike Manaus where the river is around 8km wide!

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South America Twenty Ten

Travel blog by peterforan



After previously dipping my toes in Latin America via trips to Cuba and Central America, it's time to go for the big splash! 3 1/2 months to take in as much as I can, armed with little more than my camera, laptop and a few dodgy Spanish phrases.

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