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Saturday 6 Mar 2004
Wellington, New Zealand

Put up some photos!

Ive put up some NZ photos... enjoy!!

Today I took in the sights of Wellington, mainly the Te Papa museum. Its really packed with all the info about NZ that one could ever need...

Anyhoo... gotta run, my time is almost up!!!!

...entered the next day...

Sorry I didnt get to write much yesterday.. I was pressed for time to get some photos up while there was a queue to use the only Photoshop-enabled computer in the shop!!

Ive put up some more photos today too... so that should give ye a feeling for what the North island is all about (well, for the most part.. I couldnt do everything I wanted because of the weather!).

About the museum I went to yesterday, they had 5 floors covering just about everything about New Zealand, including the Natural History and European Conquest to stuff like a virtual bungy jump (sadly not working when I visited... doh!).

One thing I found particularly interesting is the explanation for New Zealands dramatic scenery: I wasnt aware of this but New Zealand actually crosses over 2 continental plates that are moving a quite a rapid pace, the Australasian and Pacific plates I think. This explains why the mountains are so steep and why so many earthquakes and volcanoes are active.

They also explain why the weather is so changeable and this is due to both the maritime climate (on account of the small size of the country compared to the massive ocean on either side) as well as its latitude, known as "the raging forties" (I think.. sorry not too awake today).

Anyhoo, the last few days Ive been chilling out at my camp site at night, and exploring Wellington during the day. They have weekend parking rates of 4 dollars all day, so I can afford to stay here.. apart from that, though, Ive found Wellington to be quite expensive for stuff like food. Especially compared to Auckland...

My next update will be from the South Island so enjoy the photos folks!

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