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Wednesday 17 Mar 2004
Glacier Country, New Zealand

Franz Josefy glacier!

Before I start, I must of course wish THE KNOWN WORLD a Happy St Paddys day (my second since I left home to travel the globe...)!! Best blarney and begorah to ya, and enjoy the leprechaun stew with a healthy dose of Guinness and mix well with an IRA molotov cocktail (that should cover all the things "Irish" that every foreigner I meet thinks Ireland is about)

As if it was a blessing from St Patrick himself, the weather has decided to subside SLIGHTLY today after yesterdays torrent (the worst I think Ive witnessed since Byron Bay in Queensland), which has allowed me to finally take in Franz Josef glacier (with my camera this time).

It was still a little foggy, but I braved it out and took some great shots... I still didnt feel that walking on the glacier for 120 dollars would have given me an opportunity for any better shots. In fact, I soon found out an amazing spot around the left-side of the glacier, where the tours dont go. The glacier was melting quite rapidly today on account of the raised temperature and this meant that large 10-tonne chunks of the glacier could be heard dropping off and splashing into the river, but unseen... that is until I found this spot on the left-side...

I knew I was in a good position when I noticed a professional photographer, Jeremy Walker, waiting in position overlooking a massive ice-cave below, from where the chunks were falling and flowing away. It was an amazing site (and sounds!).

Jeremy generously let me follow him around giving me a few handy tips on pro photography while he was at it! Thanks Jer if youre reading this!

Anyways, it is time once again to move on... tommorrow Ill be heading on further south (after I get my cold shower in the hostel of course )

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    Approaching Franz Josef
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