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Monday 27 Mar 2006
Palenque, Mexico

Last town wit dem temples

OK we've arrived at the last town on our temple-toting-tour: Palenque.

Took a 9 hour bus with ADO, which featured such 'classic' movies as 'Disorganised Crime' and 'The Breed'.. haven't heard of em before? Neither has anyone... EVER! Except for the actors maybe

We later discovered that the bus route we took is actually rife with buses being held-up. This would probably explain why half-way through the trip we were pulled over by a fully armed army unit who proceeded to board the bus and give everyone the once-over.

Tommorrow we hit the temples of Palenque which are supposed to be set in a lush jungle setting.. lookin forward to this.

We also need to decide how we're gonna get back to Mex City for the flight on the 31st... we will probably try to fly. A 19 hour bus ride is NOT how I wanna be ending this kick-ass trip.

One last note... just came out of a restaurant where the proprieter allowed us to sample some 15 or so shots of various type of mezcal liquour (like tequila.. only stronger) for free, before we settled on two bottles to bring home.. damn good deal if ya aks me.. I'm surprised I can still type this shizzle Wink

... after writing this entry....

Just outside the net cafe, as I finished writing da blog, a crowd of middle-aged men were sitting around a man armed with a spanish guitar playing some great flamenco and mariachi music...

I was somehow enticed to play for them and ended up pulling out some 4-bar blues and a bit of Hey Joe which seemed to go down well.. although they didn't know what to make of the blues sound and we trying to sing some mariachi spanish over it... hmmm... good craic!

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We're taking this baby to Mexico!

Travel blog by peterforan



Mexico, Guatemala and Belize await the arrival of me and my compadre. On a mission to conquer hearts and minds of people who are trying to mug us... w00t! Starting in March 2006...

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