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Saturday 13 Feb 2010
Ciudad Perdida, Colombia

Lost city trek Day 5 + must have items

Found that I'd picked up a shitload of ticks on the return journey the previous day, and I was still cleaning them off on the morning of the 5th day despite a good session of "washing" under the powerhose of a waterfall. Little bastards got literally EVERYWHERE.

Well today was seriously downhill despite a few uphill sections, but I was thankful we had gotten as much covered on the 4th day as we did as the 5th day wasn't necessarily easy in the baking sun (this is the same section as the first day and is fully exposed to the sun as we've now left the rainforest behind).

Getting back to the basecamp, we chugged back a few beers but to be honest I was so wrecked that immediate sleep was on the cards. Walking 44km (22km each way) does that to a man.

Bloody fantastic trip and I highly recommend it to anyone who doesn't mind getting a bit smelly for a few days. It's a virtually untouched part of the world and no doubt one day it will be overrun with trekkers in the way Machu Picchu is, and they will build special "tourist-friendly" concrete stairs with railings to run alongside the original ones (although I doubt they will build a railway line up as was done in Peru, but you never know) so try to see it before it's ruined by tourism!

If you want to make it as comfortable as possible, here are a few must-have items that I found I couldn't do without on the trek:

  • Ear plugs - There Will be Snoring
  • Enough dry socks and BREATHABLE T Shirts for each day - There Will be Wetness (unless you don't mind wearing clothes that stink of cheese)
  • Baby wipes - There Will be no Soap plus there are many "orange" eating stops so this helps avoid getting yer camera all sticky
  • Long sleeve shirts and long pants - There Will be Mozzies (at night mainly)
  • Waterproof sandals with good support - There Will be Submergin'
  • Boardshorts - I reckon you don't need any other shorts... I took 2 pairs, but the boardshorts were all I really needed

And finally: It's recommended to take a fleece, but to be honest the temperature rarely drops below 15C at night, and they give you blankets anyway, but if you do get cold, just wear several tshirts at once. Problem solved!

4 Comments for this Travel blog entry

Peter Connick Says:

18 February 2010

Hi Pete thoroughly enjoying following your trek, absolutely amazin. Hope your back & knee get better but all the treking wont help. Stay safe & keep us entertained with the fab photos & diary. Dont you meet great people on trips ?

peterforan Replies:

18 February 2010

aye I think I'll get a few operations when I get back. Become Robo-Pete and head back out in the wilds!

Ryan Says:

25 January 2011

Hey Pete, just curious to find out where you stored your laptop while doing this trek? I'm looking into the same trek but I'm not sure I want to bring my laptop along on the trek in case it gets wrecked due to the weather, river crossings, etc.

peterforan Replies:

26 January 2011

Hi Ryan, I stored anything precious like that in a locked bag in the B&B I was staying at. You definately don't want to bring anything like a laptop on the trek :)

Lucy Says:

14 November 2013

Hi, thanks for this guide, really useful. Im getting ready to do it next week and am quite nervous, Going with either Expotur-eco or magic tours so hopefully bit better organised than yours. And thanks for the tips, will try and remember those!

peterforan Replies:

14 November 2013

Hi Lucy, glad the guide was useful! My main tips are: try to bring as little as possible, bring waterproof gear, and if the guide is moving too fast make sure he knows! You'll have a brilliant time, let me know how you get on after :)

Matthew Says:

14 January 2014

When you say you kept your laptop in a locked bag… what do you mean? Like a PacSafe?

peterforan Replies:

14 January 2014

Hi Matthew, nope just a backpack with a sturdy lock on it! If it's in the B&B it's probably not required but best to be safe just in case.

South America Twenty Ten

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After previously dipping my toes in Latin America via trips to Cuba and Central America, it's time to go for the big splash! 3 1/2 months to take in as much as I can, armed with little more than my camera, laptop and a few dodgy Spanish phrases.

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  • Day 1 Early...

    Ciudad Perdida


    Day 1   Early river crossing
  • Day 1 Our...

    Ciudad Perdida


    Day 1   Our first water hole!
  • Day 1 Kuss...

    Ciudad Perdida


    Day 1   Kuss and I
  • Day 1 What...

    Ciudad Perdida


    Day 1   What a view