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Wednesday 14 Apr 2010
Easter Island, Chile

Isla de Pascua... Day 4


- Decided to go for the dive today ... deferred the 3rd day's scooter rental to the next day. Only 15m as I wanted a "refresher" dive and didn't want to go too deep at first. Needless to say, after spending 40 minutes wading through amazing coral and some of the most colourful fish I've ever seen (indigenous to this location too I might add) I felt a lot more confident and provisionally booked another dive for tomorrow (if I had time). Hired an underwater photographer too... didn't have my damn underwater camera case with me so this was a necessity! Smile

- Post-dive today was an exhaustive souvenir bargain hunt. I gotta be honest, I spent WAAAAY more than I originally intended, but I have to say that the quality of the carved souvenirs on the island are really very good, plus there is a fair bit of competition so I went into Evil-Haggling-Pete mode... but the souvenirs were still pretty damn expensive. But when will I EVER get a chance to buy them again?

- Rapa Nui film festival. Such a bizarre idea, and with equally bizarre movies, but I loved it. Imagine a film festival on the most remote place on earth. Great idea! Got free pass in. Lots of poshies over from Santiago, and even a red carpet on the opening night. Bizarre!

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South America Twenty Ten

Travel blog by peterforan



After previously dipping my toes in Latin America via trips to Cuba and Central America, it's time to go for the big splash! 3 1/2 months to take in as much as I can, armed with little more than my camera, laptop and a few dodgy Spanish phrases.

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