Tuesday 24 Apr 2007
Toronto, Canada
Slight change of plan....
Slight change of plan here...
The apartment I was interested in was given to someone else (who was going to only use it weekdays, and was also willing to rent it past December)..DOH!
I really had my heart set on the place, and my plans for the coming year were all based on getting that. 
Now I'm in a world of confusion (similar to what I was like when I first arrived into TO and had to decide on where I was going to live).
One thing is certain though...
I'm going to Vancouver at the end of May into June for at least 3 weeks.
Jonny's already booked his flight, so I'm going to do the same.
I'm only gonna get a one-way ticket though.. because what I'm considering is: I could move to Vancouver for the summer months!
I have to be back in TO for Sept because I'm going to VFest (with all my fav bands playing, including INTERPOL!!!), but from June to August I'm thinking of chillin Pacific-coast styleeee.
Will keep y'all posted on my decision.