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Sunday 8 Apr 2007
Toronto, Canada

Butterfly Explosion.. all over your FACE!

Well whaddya know... a mate of mine from Dublin, John Canavan ("tibor" to the 3133+ crowd) just happened to pass through Toronto last night with his band who are now touring the East US!!

The band is of course: Butterfly Explosion.

It was weird meeting up with the lads and lasses.. after 5 minutes of the expected 'wows' of meeting up with the people so far from home again, it just became like any other night out with the mates!

The gig rocked though, the guys served up the heavy melody-driven guitar riifs and subliminal vocals they've become known for. Very cool.

After the gig, we had excessive beering and crap-dancing till the early morn...

John et al are in town for the next 4 days so I'll no doubt be rockin with the band so more Wink

Happy Easter it certainly is!

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