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Wednesday 27 Jan 2010
Jericoacoara, Brazil

Getting money in Jericoacoara

Happened to check my stash of cash last night, and noticed I was severely low in the dinero department, so as there are no ATMs in Jeri, the suggestion is to go to a nearby town called Jijoca where they have 1 bank with ATM machines.

Problem solved? Nah.

Having arrived by 4x4 truck after a bumpy hour-long ride, it quickly transpires that the ATM doesn't accept foreign cards (Maestro, Cirrus, Laser etc... forget it).

"Great! That means I'll have to leave Jeri tomorrow as I can't get money and the next closest place with an ATM is pretty much 6 hours back in Fortaleza"

Thankfully the driver points out that I CAN get cash out at a local electronic store, but they'll charge 10% ... phew ok close save.

The ironic thing is that I could have just done this in one of the super markets in Jeri! Yell

One upside of the trip is that I did get to check out the lovely Lagoa do Paraiso (Paradise Lagoon) which looks like a must-do trip.

So basically.. for those who are in Jericoacoara and need to get cash, just get it from the supermarket and accept the 10% charge. There are no ATMs even in Jijoca.

== Brought to you by your friendly neighbourhood Stimpy ==


Jericoacoara is almost pure paradise, but it's slightly let down by a few things...

- As mentioned above, the lack of ATMs (if there were ATMs here, you would never leave!) ... this is primarily because there are no police as such, so a bank would be an open target for any determined thieves. It's so safe in Jeri that there is no need for police Laughing

- The salty Atlantic water: the water is clean, but isn't very clear because of the almost Dead-Sea quantities of salt in the water. Opening your eyes under the water = red-eye for the rest of the day.

- Flea-bitten dogs poo all over the place. Despite the streets being made of soft sand, you should wear sandals at all times (apparently there are also small foot-burrowing insects that you need to watch out for)

Still.. because it's so cheap, I've decided to stay here until the end of the month, or possibly one or more days over that, as it's a perfect place for me to plan the remaining 3 months while getting a nice tan.

Another interesting thing to note about living in northern Brazil are the TV programs on offer. Out of 20 channels on my TV, 8 of them are Christian Evangelical broadcasts! Predictably targetting the poorer parts of the country (north-eastern Brazil is considered the poorest part), they seem to have really caught a foothold here and for 24 hours I can watch Christian rock or people fainting in frenzies while some sweaty guy in a cowboy hat presses on their forehead screaming his head off.

Makes for entertaining watching nonetheless!

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