Friday 19 Mar 2010
Lake Titicaca, Bolivia
Isla del Sol & Isla de la Luna
In the morning took a private boat to the Isla de la Luna at around 11am as there didn't seem to be any tours leaving from the Isla del Sol at that time. Initially priced at B$ 220 I got it down to B$ 140 ($20) to rent out a whole lancha for 4 hours including 1 hour travelling between the islands each way.
On arriving I headed up to find the Templo de la Luna. Couldn't find it for ages. Walked for about 4km before I saw it down on the other side of the isle as I was heading back to the boat! Building is in a state of almost complete ruin, but the setting with the snow-capped Cordillero Real mountain range as a backdrop make it a stunning setting. The building also features distinct relief detailing on the walls, which makes it VERY unusual for an Inca temple (usually these are just plain brick structures).
On getting back to Isla del Sol around 4pm, I had a small break, eating a tiny egg sandwhich, and then I intended to get to the northern side of the Isla del Sol island to see the Templo del Sol. No boats going (again!) so I was going to have to walk it. That's 8km. Each way. At an altitude of 3190 metres!
Walking up to the North wasn't TERRIBLY hard. Most of it is downhill, and I made it in around 1 hour 50 mins, with enough time to see the temple and surrounding sights before the sunset at 6.30pm.
Sunset was damn nice, although the previous day's one was better as there was less cloud.
Walking back was SO HARD. I'm talking nigh-on-Kilimanjaro levels of tiredness here. Mucho cansado! Not only that, but as the sun had set and it was a new moon, it was pitch dark, plus freezing at about 3C. Luckily I had packed along my 2 fleeces and headlamp.
I somehow managed to struggle back to Yumani after about 3 hours walking in the freezing cold. I ordered a pizza in the restaurant, but despite my best intentions to keep awake, I fell asleep on the table after ordering!
I haven't been this exhausted in so long. That's what walking 20km at high altitude in one day does to you.
At least I worked off all the excess weight I put on after the huge meals I had in Cusco