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Sunday 6 Dec 2009
Yorkeys Knob, Australia

Sunday in Cairns

We decided we'd give the Cable Ski a try so after breakfast we headed that way.  The place was packed - a lot of very experienced wake boarders and a couple of water skiers too.  While there were plenty of people that were just getting learning so we'd be amongst equals, the wait in line each time was about 20-30 minutes which would eat up 2 hrs really quickly so we decided to just watch. 

A good breeze was blowing which kept us cool while we watched all levels of expertise jump off the platform and get dragged around the pond.  There were two young teenage girls that were really quite good.  One had not gotten her hair wet (which means she had not fallen).  Several of the young teenage boys were showing off for the spectators with jumps and flips.

We then decided to get back on the road with no particular destination in mind.  We ended up at a small beach called Yorkey's Knob.  There were plenty of picnics in full swing and lots of swimmers in the marked area.

We stood on the rocks and watched a small group of dolphin that seemed to just be bobbing in the waves, not going anywhere.  They'd surface for air and then go under for a couple of minutes, then up again in the same exact place.

We decided to test the waters so set our towels down and put out tooties in.  It was quite warm.  Plenty of waves kept the sand disappearing from under our feet.  Tony braved a full dip while I sat on the beach and enjoyed the view.  This sleepy little beach had a café so we grabbed a couple of sandwiches for lunch and a couple of Anzac biscuits for desert.  These biscuits (actually look like cookies) are similar to an oatmeal cookie but have some ginger and coconut in them.   YUMMY !  These biscuits were sent to the Troops in Europe during World War I.  Once we finished, we headed back to Cairns.

We came back to the hotel and decided to get our laundry out of the way so we don't have to do it when we arrive in Sydney.  I had the hankering for Prime Rib so we hit Outback Jack's across the street from our hotel.  The meat was very good but it was not Prime Rib like we know it in the US.  It was a steak, and very good, but it wasn't Prime Rib.  No complaints.... It was just a reminder things are not always the same as the way we do things.

As we get ready to say goodbye to Cairns on Tuesday, we've concluded that it reminds us a lot of Hawaii - the weather, the landscape.  The only difference - here they don't have Timeshare Hustlers giving the pitch to just spend 90 minutes and we'll give you a free ____________  (car rental, tourist attraction, hotel stay, etc.).

Early to bed as a shuttle bus will be picking us up at oh dark thirty for our last adventure in Cairns.

Pictures will be under Yorkey's Knob.

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    Bush along golf course
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    Yorkeys Knob


    View from Take Away Cafe
  • Come on in...

    Yorkeys Knob


    Come on in the water's fine !
  • Lifeguard...

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    Lifeguard station

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