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Monday 2 Jun 2003
Sydney, Australia

Past two days...

Damn this city is big! For the past two days Ive been mostly exploring the city on foot and its a great city for walking: quite clean and the pathways are very large. The streets are quite easy to navigate... Im not getting much done though yet since it takes a lot of time to explore! Theres so much to do its hard to decide on any one thing.

Yesterday I explored around the Sydney Opera House and
Harbour Bridge and it was a nice day overall. Didnt get anything major covered though... today I did the first touristy thing and paid a whopping 22 ozzie dollars to go up the 500 metre-high Sydney Tower and SkyTour. This is basically a viewing tower (with telescopes for use) that gives a great 360 degree view of Sydney. From here you can see everything from the Blue Mountains to Bondi Beach and all in between. It also made me more determined to investigate getting a car soon enough since everything is so far away and transportation/cost of living could get expensive if I leave it for too long.

The variety of international food here is really good: Thai, Japanese, Indian, Australian, Italian, etc! The good thing is that the restaurants are usually run by the respective nationalities so you get as authentic (if not better than original) food for really good value. Ive just had a whopping slap up meal for only 3 euros!

The main thing I got done today was to investigate getting my tax file number. I found out that the application process takes about 2-4 weeks before the number is issued so Id have to hold back on starting work if thats what I intended to do. Which is grand by me, I dont plan on finding any major work in Australia for at least another month or 2. I want to drive Drive DRIIIIVE!!! and explore. Tommorrow Ill start looking at some potential people carriers (what the Ozzies call vans!) or cars with ample bed space in the back.

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