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Wednesday 10 Dec 2003
Sydney, Australia

WOOHOO! Super-fast Internet!!!


I found a way to plug the network cable from the library computers in the State Library into my laptop and am now enjoying superfast 150 kb/s (we only have 3 kb/s at home folks!!) downloading on my laptop...

Now to start emailing my CV around while downloading copious amounts of Gameboy games and MP3z...

The past few days Ive caught two movies in the "loosely-guarded" cinema in China-town: Master & Commander and School of Rock.

Both were more interesting than I had predicted, M & C in particular had a relevance for me since it shows how life on the old Frigates exploring the Australian/South American coasts used to be in James Cooks time. Pretty dramatic, but I certainly wouldnt recommend anyone PAY to see these in the cinema

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