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Monday 8 Dec 2003
Sydney, Australia



Yes even IM still shocked at my fortune!

I drove into the car market today at around 12pm to commence the first day of selling the van.. no sooner had I opened my book than two Swedish girls began eyeing the van at which point I jumped up to give them a tour of the works and a quick spin around the hour later I was 4,900 dollars richer! Yes thats right: ONE FLIPPIN HOUR!!! Its remarkable luck on my part (or just my smooth talkin abilities ) since most of the other people in the market had been sitting around for 5 or 6 DAYS waiting for a bite!! They couldnt believe my luck so much so that they all came to me to ask for advice on how to sell THEIR cars...

Whether it was guilt on my part or just the tradition of the car market (as specified on the parking instructions sheet given when you sign up!) I felt obliged to buy a crate of beer and gave most people a can which is sure to lift their spirits a little! Meanwhile I treated myself and Jonny out to a massive celebratory lunch and drinking session. Rock on!!

Next thing to do is find a job!

I forgot to mention yesterday that I came across a homeless Aborigine guy named Alan on the street. I went over to ask his opinion on what makes a good didgeridoo and we got talking. I soon found out that, despite his current predicament, he had been around the world playing his didge, in particular he had played various large venues in Dublin like Vicar street, and Whelans supporting Irish traditional music. He reckons the didge fits in very well with that music so its something Ill have to explore! Anyhoo, one remarkable story he told me was how he had recently made 180,000 dollars in a charity event and was offered the chance to keep a large sum of the money. Out of amazing (or impractical whichever way you look at it) generosity he refused to have any of the money rather to give the money to the Sisters of Mercy in Ireland for homeless kids. The only condition was that he know where the money went! Pretty unbelievable eh? I shook his hand and we both continued on with our lives.

At the moment Im in the state library using the net for free. Ideal!

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