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Monday 27 Oct 2003
Shark Bay area, Australia

Time to move on...

Well gonna be really quick here... time is money they say and this library "emailing" charges 1.10 per 5 mins!!

Basically since my last entry Id found a nice situation at a tomato farm pulling down vines and tying up the sticks that they were hung from. 25 dollars per row... "Easy money" or so I thought...

It took no less than 4 days to complete 7 rows (partly because I took time off to see the triumphant Argentina v Ireland rugby match yesterday, and to drop my car off for ANOTHER service) but I persevered and eventually, after one week, Id made 340 dollars. Its quite fortunate Id decided to work here since my car was in need of MORE spare parts unfortunately so the damage cost 400 dollars. Not such an impact on my pocket because of my earnings... nevertheless thats another 400 dollars Im gonna add to the price I sell my van for!!!

Anyhoo... in summation of this week of hard labour: NEVER AGAIN!!

My boss was a Cambodian man by the name of "Mr Thai". He was really nice and was easy going essentially because I was getting paid by the amount of work I did, not by the hour. Id also recommend people work this way, as opposed to the latter, since the pressure is not quite so great and you can work at your own speed. Also you dont get ungrateful a@#-holes like "Len" pushing you around as you try to work (he was paying by the hour)

Rightio.. if I find more work in Oz its gonna be something far less "splintering" and kinder on the skin, like BARWORK... or banking... or even IT!! Hell I might even MAKE some money while Im here!

I wish the best of luck to my new German and Swiss friends, Rico and Arthur. Ive learnt copious amounts of German off these and other Germans that Ive met and Im seriously considering taking up the language in a course at some stage...

They are persevering because they need the moola.. Im not yet in the red so Im gonna try to find a "more comfortable" occupation in the weeks ahead...

Best of luck lads... the road ahead "ist schizen unt schlecht" but hold your beers up high and yell "brost" before guzzling it back amidst a blast of "roops unt furzen"

Me is off south again today... not sure where Ill stop yet...

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Travel Blogs : Longer way round...

Travel blog by peterforan

Kakadu National Park

Kakadu National Park

Welcome to my travel blog mates! I spent 2 months in South-east asia (during SARS outbreak!), then circumnavigated Australia in a van (10 months), then visited NZ for 3 months before coming back home via the US. Time. Of. My. Life. Period!

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    Shark Bay area


    Dolphin staring!
  • Man meet...

    Shark Bay area


    Man meet Dolphin
  • Pelican parade

    Shark Bay area


    Pelican parade