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Wednesday 18 Nov 2009
Perth, Australia

Arrived Safely in Perth

We arrived @ 5:05pm (about 25 minutes late) and got through customs unscathed (had to give up the trail mix that we got at the grocery store but that was no big deal).

Genie was there to greet us and we were able wedge our 4 bags into her car for the short trip to her house (about 15 minutes).

Chatted up a storm, got caught up on what we've each been up to over a bottle of champagne and a couple of cold beers for Tony.  Genie's brother, Charlie joined us and we had a very tasty bowl of homemade chili over rice. 

It had been a long day so we hit the hay early [10pm] - our bodies were still on NZ time but our minds were on Perth time - bodies won !

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Tony and Ellie's Adventure

Travel blog by tonyandellie

It doesn't get much better than this !

It doesn't get much better than this !

This is it ! Our BIG Adventure ~ We leave Wed. Nov. 4th and return Sat. Jan. 9th visiting New Zealand and Australia - 65 days !! Join us on our adventure - Check back often. We will do our best to post notes and pics along our way.

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    Swan Bell Tower
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    Perth Skyline