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Saturday 26 Dec 2009
Esperance, Australia

Boxing Day in Australia

6am post - We're hitting the road and heading to Esperance which is at the very bottom of Western Australia.  We've got a 12 hr drive ahead of us so may not post anything until tomorrow.

Today is Christmas for all of you so have a GREAT Day !

9pm post - we arrived in Esperance @ 4:15pm - made good time.  Our trip from Perth was straight through with only one stop at Wave Rock, which was very cool, and we had our picnic lunch then were back on the road. 

Genie's friends met us at the Jetty Resort when we arrived and then the girls were off.  Tony and I got checked in, found out there were NO restaurants open because it is Boxing Day so we ended up at the burger wagon on the beach that stays open until 11pm. 

After we ate, we hopped in the car and drove down the coastline for a bit (we have to be back at the hotel before sunset as part of our rental car agreement [so we don't hit any kangaroos].  We saw several places we'll definitely go back to and explore while we're here in Esperance.

Hope everyone's Christmas Day was exactly what you wanted it to be.  We were with you in thought !




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