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Sunday 29 Nov 2009
Darwin City, Australia

Day in Darwin

Lazy day today - slept in, had a late breakfast and hit the Crocosaurus Cove in town.  Yep... more crocs but in a controlled environment this time.  Big ones, little ones, some that were just born today.  Also reptiles.  We got there just in time for the reptile feeding - it was an albino python about 3.5 meters long and they fed it a defrosted rat.  The python immediately bit the rat and wrapped its body around the rat to kill it (it didn't know it was already dead).  Once it thought it was lifeless, it began to ingest the tasty morsel.  The snake began to turn pink toward its head and upper body which was the blood flowing to that part that was working so hard to force down his meal.  You could see the big bulge as it moved down its body toward its stomach.

Off we went to learn more about crocs and had our picture taken holding a baby croc.  Its skin was  quite soft, even the back that obviously changes as the get bigger.  Then we were off to the tank to swim with the crocs (not me... Tony).... Check the pictures out !

We left there and wandered to the Wave Lagoon (let me stand corrected from Friday... it is a saltwater man-made swimming lagoon not fresh water).  It was about 2:30pm but we still lathered up with 30 SPF sunscreen.  When we got wet we both look like aboriginal natives with white face paint  - it was hilarious !

We got on boogie boards and bobbed up and down with about 200 other people - kids, adults, teens as the 3-5 foot waves mechanically moved through the lagoon.  We also tried the inner tubes - I wedged my big behind into one and giggled like a 10 year old while bobbing all around.  We had a great time being kids again !

They closed the lagoon about 4:15pm because thunder and lightning was getting too close.  We figured the weather front would cause our Sunset Dinner Cruise to be cancelled but the storm did finally pass around 5:30pm.

Our dinner cruise was very, very nice.  The weather cooperated and provided us with a beautiful sunset and the dinner was very good also.  A great way to end a great day !

Litchfield Falls all day tour tomorrow (Monday 11/30)

Look for pictures under Darwin City.

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    Darwin City


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    Darwin City


    Clouds before sunset
  • Just before...

    Darwin City


    Just before the sun disappeared
  • Sunset

    Darwin City



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