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Monday 13 Oct 2003
Coral Coast, Australia


Heres a brief summary of past few days...

12th - I trekked off to Five Finger Bay again this morning and saw several Dolphins swimming not far from the coast line. I tried to swim in after them but the tides were too strong and they disappeared off. I didnt quite make it all the way to 5 Fingers since I got caught in the midst of a school of small fish. Thousands of them! Swimming around me above and below plus all around.. it was quite mesmerising! All the while sea birds were diving into the waters around me trying to catch the fish. I spent 2 hours in the water video-ing this magical phenomenon.

13th - Tried to head out at Five Finger Bay again, but the current was too strong and the visibility wasnt great. Ah well.. I had a good opportunity to view the fish a few days ago. Im heading off south to Carnarvon today since I think the visibility and winds are going to remain pretty bad for the coming days...

By the way, while I was in Coral Bay I stayed at the FIRST camp-site that you come into as you enter the resort. I just parked under a tree and got to use the facilities for free.. think I spent only about 20-30 dollars the whole week while I was here!

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    Turtle at Coral Bay
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    Heart made of Fish!
  • Coral Bay

    Coral Coast


    Coral Bay
  • Exmouth blue...

    Coral Coast


    Exmouth blue fish