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Wednesday 8 Oct 2003
Coral Coast, Australia

Thinking of headin...

Well whaddya know "Ahnold" Shwarzenegger (one of my fav movie heroes from my childhood) has been voted governor of California. Ahnold for president? Not too far away!

Anyhoo... myself and Juergen tried to dive the Navy Pier this morning but alas the current was FAR too strong for us .. ah well the visibility wasnt the greatest so it wasnt really the best time to go.

In fact the general visibility in the Ningaloo reef hasnt been at the best lately (I think it must be something to do with the REALLY strong winds on the beach at the mo) so Im thinking of heading on down south. Dont want to OVERSTAY my welcome or anything!!!

Had a great snorkle today beside a bommie about 10 metres out from the shore-line. The fish at this particular coral site are numerous and colourful.. plus they seemed extremely interested in me (I had several angel and parrot fish bumping into my feet and coming right up to my mask). I could have easily fed a few of them if Id brought some bread in with me. Ive been snorkling this bommie for 3 days now since its a real "goldmine".

The current at Turqouise Bay can get a little annoying at times, especially when you are trying to stay still to photograph fish, since the current continually presses on you. Its nice to float on over though. Over the past few days, Ive also seen several Black-Tip sharks amongst the coral. They were too scared to come closer than 5 metres away so I couldnt get a good photo.

Talking of which, Ive just burnt the latest pics to cd so Ill try to upload a few in the next few days if I get a chance.

The last few nights Ive been "camped" out at Juergens campsite, just parking beside him and getting to use all the facilities for free.. nice!

Im thinking of heading south tommorrow so Coral Bay is my next destination...

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    Turtle at Coral Bay
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    Coral Bay
  • Exmouth blue...

    Coral Coast


    Exmouth blue fish