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Monday 18 Aug 2003
Cairns, Australia

Right this is getting silly...

No sooner had I promised that I was heading west today, than I met up with ANOTHER former acquaintance yesterday and decided to crash here another night!

Ill eventually get round to heading west... in fact Im gonna do it tommorrow, rain or shine!

Talking of which, its actually raining in Cairns today with fairly dull skies yet Mel (a local Ozzie gal I met recently) and myself managed to head off to visit the Crystal Cascades this morning. This is a relatively unknown waterhole that is popular with the locals in a serene surrounding, the water gently flowing over the rocks while small fish seemingly "hover" in mid-stream. Very peaceful.

While Im adding this diary entry allow me to put a mention in for my main man Thijs.

His web site is:

He has put up some of my photos of the Yongala wreck dive in a very nice format...

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Kakadu National Park

Kakadu National Park

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