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Thursday 31 Dec 2009
Perth New Years Eve, Australia

Happy New Year !

New Years Eve we went down to the Perth harbor for a stroll.  We saw lots of sea gulls and three of the black swans that are known to hand around the area.

We decided to give the Burswood Resort Casino another try (with proper shoes this time so we didn't get kicked out).  They have a members deal just like every casino where you put join and the give you a card to put in each machine you play or give the dealer at every table you play.  Just for joining we got $5.00 each which paid for the parking !  We each went our own way and met up about 90 minutes later.  This casino actually had video card game which NONE of the other casinos we've been to on this trip has had.  I broke even and Tony lost a few bucks.  We had a good time.

For New Years Eve Genie and Charlie's friends had made reservations for dinner and an outdoor concert at the Carilley Estate Winery.  We got there early to set up our chairs for the outdoor concert and then had dinner.  The menu was very nice and we indulged in a bottle of champagne and a bottle of wine.  After dinner we got ourselves all nice and cozy in our camping chairs for the concert and had another bottle of champagne.

The temperature was very cool, jackets were required (except Tony of course) and blankets over laps for the ladies.  The music was really good and we had a huge full moon above us which was beautiful.  We rang in the New Year at midnight and headed home.


We have a lot to be thankful for - 2009 was a very good year - lots of changes - lots of new experiences - lots of blessings - lots of good friends and loving families.  Couldn't ask for anything more !



1 Comment for this Travel blog entry

joanne Says:

31 December 2009

Watched Sydney celebrate the new year this morning and realized you were already in 2010. Thank you for your trip, it has been such fun and I can't believe how quick it has gone by. Happy New Year and Hugs to both of you!

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Photo Album

  • Tad bit...

    Perth New...


    Tad bit chilly just before Midnight !
  • Full Moon

    Perth New...


    Full Moon
  • Winery

    Perth New...


  • Perth Harbor...

    Perth New...


    Perth Harbor sea bird drying his wings

Travel blogs from Perth New Years Eve

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