Saturday 14 Feb 2009
London, United Kingdom
On my merry messy way...
Despite my weeks of preparations, it was still a mad scramble to get to the airport this morning (isn't that always the case!) and I was pleasantly surprised to find that my bag weighed in at only (!) 18 kilos!
That's a hell of a lot that I'm going to have to lug onto some poor porter in Tanzania when we're climbing Kili 
(when climbing Kili it's normal to hire a team of porters to carry up your bags and tents etc ... there's no other way apparently - I could be wrong here - .. and this is what makes the price so high. Plus it gives the locals much needed hard currency.)
Ah well a large tip will be in order!
In Terminal 3 now waiting for my flight which is in about 5 hours and just booked a nice beach hotel for my first night in Dar Es Salaam. It's a bit out of the town, but it has a pool (and a beach obviously) and that's all I'm looking for before I get stuffed into a tent for the next 6-10 days.
Still waiting for confirmation about the safari.. the cost of me going on my own is 200% the cost if there are others in the group.. so the guide is still trying to get a group together.
If no group, then I guess no safari (unless I can find something in Moshi after I get off the mountain) ... I might go off to Zanzibar if this situation arises.
Ah the joys of travelling alone and being able to make split decisions like this 
Next blog will be from TZ (hopefully) .. later y'all