Friday 20 May 2016
Kyoto, Japan
Kyoto Day 3
Coming soon (bike rental plus vain attempt to make my pilgrimage to Nintendo headquarters)... I was supposed to be heading to Osaka today but there's waaay too much going on in Kyoto so I ended up spending the whole day travelling around on a rented bike and got back to pick up my bags around 8pm.
As there was no chance I was gonna make a train for Osaka, plus try to find a hotel there (I've been trying to cram in a lot so hadn't time to look for any) I've decided to go with the old reliable...another capsule hotel!
Not quite as fancy as the one in Tokyo (no free razors or in-capsule TV) and about €20 more expensive at about €60 A night, but it has a shower and bed and thats all I need before I head to Osaka in the morn! I was considering the ultimate alternatives if everything else was booked out like staying in a manga cafe (basically you rent a tiny room to read manga all night, but u can also sleep on the reclinining chair), or at worst go to one of the many bars that stay open till 5am and try to sleep there or of course crash out in a restaurant as I saw a local doing on my first night in Kyoto)
(Edit: just heard a drunken Japanese business man fart in the capsule above me.. Oye its gonna be a long night... That Manga Cafe is starting to look mighty good now)
also I've managed to book a stay in a temple next week... Cant wait for that!