Thursday 12 Feb 2009
Dublin, Ireland
Boyz OWNAGE on Kili
So apparently, while Klimbing Kili, I'm going to be sharing the slopes with the "stars" of the boy/girl-band world who are due to be climbing up the mountain the same week I'm there for Comic Relief. 
I'd better get my sound-isolating earphones out when I hear Ronan Keating breaking into "You shay it besht.. when you shay nothing at all" ... too right mate!
Cheryl Cole will be there too .. so hey not all bad 
Maybe I can get some scandalous photos of certain Take That members falling flat on their faces too? News of the World here we come!
T-minus 2 days to go ... just doing last minute preparations like re-impregnating my mozzie net with Permethrin, buying baby wipes (!), water-purifying tablets, yadda yadda.
I tell ya.. it's quickly looking like I'm going to be overloaded before even stepping out the front door.